how to hang mobiles
Need some tips on how to hang your mobile? Since they're not for hands-on play, keeping them securely hung out of reach at all stages of development is the name of the game. (Check out the full mobile safety story here.)
Read on to learn details!
Lamm Handmade mobiles have a loop at the top, which allows them to be hung from either a wall-mounted mobile arm or from the ceiling. Mobiles should not be attached directly to cribs/playpens/bassinets.
Again, ensure that whichever option you choose keeps the mobile & hanging implements out of reach.

tips if hanging from the ceiling:
The hanging process & hook system needed can vary a little depending on where you intend to hang the mobile. Though Lamm mobiles are very lightweight, you should strongly secure the ceiling hook to ensure maximum safety.
Select a spot where it can hang at the proper height (i.e. out of baby's reach) and rotate freely.
If you choose a spot under a joist/ceiling beam, you can screw a hook directly into the beam in the ceiling. If you’re planning on hanging a mobile from drywall or plaster, you may want to use an anchor or toggle bolt. (If you'd like some sample step-x-step instructions on how to install hooks to the ceiling, check out this handy tutorial, via WikiHow)
Determine the height you'd like the mobile to hang. Be sure it's completely out of a standing baby's reach. If your mobile came with a hanging string, you can use that (or another strong string such as fishing line) to tie the mobile to your hook, from the mobile's top loop. Ensure the knots you tie are really tight. You may even want to seal them with a dab of glue.
From there on out:
Check the security of your hang-job regularly. Also, regularly assess the height the mobile hangs and adjust to keep it out of reach as baby grows and hits his/her developmental milestones. For example, you'll likely need to hike it up (or remove altogether) when baby can sit up or stand.
tips if hanging from a wall mobile attachment:
Mobile hangers are a good option that avoid having to install a hook into your ceiling. One type of mobile attachment is wall-mounted. You must very securely install them into your wall which, like the ceiling method, will involve some stud-finding-- but this install might be easier as the install is likely around eye-level. ​
Follow all manufacturer install/safety instructions. But the bottom line is to plan for height the mobile hangs to be out of reach of children under 3. Tip: If you mount it high enough on the wall and use some hanging string (kinda like a fishing pole), you can easily adjust the height the mobile hangs.
Just like the ceiling method, make sure you test the security of the mobile holder regularly. Remove the mobile attachment & mobile if your child can reach it to ensure they cannot pull it and risk safety.